Collage Art Piece

  This piece represents my Hobbies, Goals, and Dreams. The collage has a darker color scheme, with some small touches of light colors, such as the rose on the right, or the ooze dripping from the "void" area. The drawing is also horror oriented, with three demon-like characters, and two ghostly figures. The canvases at the top represent my two types of horror art:the normal, not cartoon-y but not realistic type(the screaming demon), and the dark, more realistic and bloody type(the chaos face).
    At the center of the piece is me, painting with a knife. I am holding a pair of custom shoes-something I hope to do in the future. I have my hair in a weird style because wearing my hair different is also something I hope to start doing. The demon behind me represents the place all my art comes from. The artworks at the top represent my successful pieces, whether that means I made money off them or just really enjoy them. The ghost holding the canvas represents what I want to draw and the thing that motivates my art. The skeleton in the blue, represents the messy art I do and how it can sometimes be "all over the place"
    If I were doing a critique on my work I'd probably talk about the messy cut outs, the strange-out-of-place blue rose, and the white space. The cut outs are messy because i was using scissors instead of an exacto-knife. The blue rose is supposed to be out of place but it still feels weird to look at along the demons and otherworldly creatures. The white space is there because of time constraints and a lack of ideas. With the other places that would have been white space I put stuff, like the red eyes and purple lines. Overall, while critiquing, I do still enjoy this piece.


  1. I am not really sure how to critique this piece because it is clear that there was a lot of thought put into it. The style, use of material, and concept really shined through. I like how you are depicted in the center of everything. That alone reminds me of "the eye of the hurricane": calm. Well done.

  2. Your collage is easy to look at because of the blend of colors and patterns. I really like how you repeat these things throughout your collage. The small details on your mini-self-portrait in your piece are interesting as well. I like your personal comments, as I noticed your cutouts as well, and seriously appreciate the variety in detail in your piece overall.

  3. I really like how detailed you were with your project. You obviously took your time to make this such a good piece. Also your goal was really specific and you made it clear of what you wanted.

  4. Your collage is amazing I love the way you depicted everything the color schemes you chose the way you depicted the demons and all the craziness that is going on in the background.

  5. I admire how in depth you went with your art work. Also the crazy demons and other cool abstract kinda represents the vibe you give off i like how your work represents yourself in a way.

  6. Sweaty boy can draw, good work, love the composition my brother. One dark kid but we must all understand each-others mental state.


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